Brand valuation for financing

If you have a brand it could be used to help raise finance. The brand valuation process is often used to support the value of a brand which is then used as collateral for a bank loan or a loan from another investor for financing and raising finance.

Other assets, such as property, can often have existing obligations attached but brands and other intangible assets such as copyright, are generally free of such rights. The brand value can either be used in isolation or in conjunction with a bundle of other assets for the financing and securitisation, such as with machinery or stock. The objective of the brand valuation would be to calculate and demonstrate the value of the brand: how much the brand is worth, how brand value is generated, what the risks are. 

Brand valuation for financing is a service we are frequently asked to provide. The brand valuation can be carried out for a brand or for attached royalties such as from licensing or franchising arrangements. The brand valuation process is fairly straight forward. A robust brand valuation report is necessary for presentation to the bank or investor for the financing. It is important that the brand is thoroughly investigated and the brand valuation process is compliant with relevant financial standards. 

Most businesses have brands and this is the main vehicle through which all communication is channelled. Whether a consumer or business facing brand, it could be your most valuable asset. As organically grown brands cannot go on your balance sheet, using brand value to raise finance is an effective way to leverage its value within a business.

To request a quote for a brand valuation to help with your brand strategy, simply fill in the ‘Request a Quote’ form. Alternatively, please contact us for a no obligation brand valuation consultation.