Brand valuation for rebranding
Brand valuation is a useful technique to measure and monitor the impact and effectiveness of your rebranding. Investing in rebranding requires significant resource. Ensuring this resource is spent wisely is one of the key objectives of the brand valuation.
If you would like a brand valuation to monitor the success of your rebrand, simply fill in the ‘Request a Quote’ form or contact us for a FREE brand valuation consultation. Whilst a retrospective brand valuation is perfectly valid, implementing a brand valuation prior to the rebranding can often be more productive.
The brand valuation provides a health assessment of your brand, informing you of its strengths and weaknesses and return on investment (ROI). The brand valuation highlights what it is about your brand that drives value. This information can be fed into the rebranding process so the best bits are kept and weak bits fixed.
The brand valuation process will also provide insight to help generate additional business and brand value. This includes brand positioning, competitive analysis, market analysis and the identification of opportunities and threats.
To request a quote for a brand valuation for help with your rebranding, simply fill in the ‘Request a Quote’ form. Alternatively, please contact us for a no obligation brand valuation consultation.